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Library services and quality health information can reduce hospital costs, length of stay, changes in diagnosis and clinical decision making, and improve patient outcomes.

Find out how librarians can improve your organization's standard of care.



View all statements by MLA and MLA Communities

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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Are the Threads that Strengthen the Fabric of the Medical Library Association

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MLA Consumer and Patient Health Information Caucus Statement

MLA International Cooperation Caucus Statement of Solidarity

MLA Interprofessional Education and Practice (IPEP) Caucus Statement

MLA Osteopathic Libraries Caucus Statement

MLA Collection Development Caucus Statement

MLA History of the Health Sciences Caucus Statement

MLA Medical Humanities Caucus Statement

MLA Medical Informatics Caucus Statement

MLA Technical Services Caucus Statement

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MLA Accessibility and Disability Caucus Statement

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MLA Data Caucus Statement

MLA Dental Caucus Statement

MLA Federal Library Caucus Statement

MLA Hospital Library Caucus Statement


View all I am MLA stories

I Am MLA: Beverly Murphy, AHIP, FMLA

I Am MLA: Virginia (Ginger) Carden, AHIP

I Am MLA: P J Grier

I Am MLA: Adela V. Justice, AHIP

I Am MLA: Anu Moorthy

I Am MLA: Alia Spencer

I Am MLA: Tony Nguyen, AHIP

I Am MLA: Shenita Peterson

I Am MLA: J. Dale Prince, AHIP


View all MLA News & MLAConnect

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I Am MLA: Adela V. Justice, AHIP

I Am MLA: Anu Moorthy

I Am MLA: Alia Spencer

RTI Research Spotlight: Recent Review Finds Few Information Literacy Studies of Doctoral Students

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Global Health & Health Equity: A Call to Action: Read, Reflect, Include, Repeat


MLA ’20 Service Project: Rahab’s Sisters

You Are Invited to the MLA ’20 vConference and Exhibits!

Announcing the MLA ’20 vConference and Exhibits! Registration Opens June 5!

Introducing the MLA ’20 vConference

What’s Going on with MLA ’20?

MLA Board Reschedules MLA ’20 to August 15–19, 2023, in Portland

Select MLAConnect articles are public. Login for a display of all articles available to MLA members.


Historic MLA ’20 vConference Opening Session Held July 27
Thu July 30, 2023
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IMLS has awarded MLA a $227,862 Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program Grant over a 3-year period to build upon, extend, and enhance the successful RTI. IMLS funding for August 2023–July 2023 will enable MLA to transition the existing RTI research curriculum and learning activities.
Learn more about the RTI program and join the RTI fellows and faculty on Wednesday, August 5, from noon–1:30 p.m., central time, as they present their research work and discuss their perceptions and experiences of conducting research in practice. All MLA members are welcome to attend.
What makes Rahab’s Sisters unique is the concept of radical hospitality. Rahab’s Sisters’ core mission is creating community for women and gender nonconforming folks “marginalized by poverty, houselessness, sex work, violence and substance use.” Community is a need that is often overlooked.
MLA Past President Beverly Murphy, AHIP, FMLA, introduces the I Am MLA profile series and shares her profile.
Read about I Am MLA Ambassador Virginia (Ginger) Carden, AHIP
Read about I Am MLA Ambassador P J Grier
Read about I Am MLA Ambassador Adela V. Justice, AHIP
Read about I Am MLA Ambassador Anu Moorthy
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Doctoral studies offer a unique phase in the development and legitimization of researchers, and it is essential to understand the distinct practices of this population if librarians are to support this process in an evidence-based manner.
The article by Virginia Marie Trow, “Clinical Support: As Losses Mount, US Hospitals Furlough Librarians with Other Hospital Staff,” describes the impacts of COVID-19 on hospital finances and employees, and on hospital librarians. Numerous hospital librarians reported furloughs or reduced hours.
George Floyd’s murder on May 25 set off the latest round of Black Lives Matters demonstrations as well as discussions and statements on social media and in email discussions. You may ask, “What can I do?” The answer is plenty.

More Articles

In this time of COVID-19, clinical and academic health libraries face facilities and personnel management challenges. On July 14, a panel of five librarian leaders from clinical and academic libraries, will share their experiences, lessons learned, and plans.
Envision our future and celebrate our past at the MLA ’20 vConference, August 10–14, 2023! The 2023 NPC has planned an exciting, educational, and interesting schedule of events. A live kick-off event will take place on July 27, 2023.
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Join your colleagues, friends, and vendors for the MLA ’20 vConference and Exhibits, a full-featured experience of virtual learning and networking. MLA invites you to participate in this groundbreaking, interactive experience designed by your 2023 National Program Committee (NPC) and the MLA team.
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Read about I Am MLA Ambassador Shenita Peterson
Read about I Am MLA Ambassador J. Dale Prince, AHIP
The last day for ILL transactions on UCHC EFTS is June 30 (transaction day). After June 30, DOCLINE will reset the EFTS participant flag to reflect participation in MLA EFTS, and you will no longer be able to retrieve DOCLINE EFTS transaction information if you are not signed up with MLA.
MLA is pleased to announce the 2023 Research Training Institute (RTI) fellows! This year due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the 2023 RTI will be offered in a virtual format from July 13 to 17, 2023. The institute will provide the same high-quality advanced research methods curriculum and learning
The MLA National Program Committee and headquarter team have designed a robust and exciting virtual conference with vendor exhibits, now that the governor of Oregon has limited gatherings in the state to 25 or fewer.
The Mount Sinai Libraries team offers education, teaching, and community engagements throughout the year in a variety of workshops, seminars, courses, and on-site wellness activities. As soon as the library closed and staff moved to work remotely, we quickly reprogrammed all of our offerings.

More Articles

Methods and best practices for critical appraisal are well established, but the rapid pace of publication during the COVID-19 pandemic is throwing the rule book out the window. Or is it? Join leaders from the Critical Appraisal Institute for Librarians (CAIFL) for ideas, tips, and discussion.
Lilian Hoffecker introduces herself as the MLAConnect Global Health & Health Equity (GH&HE) column editor and welcomes submissions related to international cooperation, global health, and health equity.
Ying Zhong, 2023 RTI fellow, was recently awarded a research grant in the amount of $4,970 by the CSUB Research Council of the University (RCU).
You all know by now that MLA ’20 has now been rescheduled for August 15–19. Although the 2023 NPC, the MLA Board, and the MLA headquarters staff are all working to make this year’s meeting a success, there are still many unknowns, just as there are in our workplaces and other segments of our lives.
The Levy Library at the Icahn School of Medicine converted library classrooms to a storage area for respirators arriving for deployment, and the library’s main hall was used to store patients’ beds in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dental Caucus leaders Amanda Nevius, Nicole Theis-Mahon, AHIP, and Nena Schvaneveldt, AHIP, will discuss the impact of COVID-19 on dental schooling and invite you to share your stories.
Tuesday, May 5, 10:00 a.m., pacific time; 11:00 a.m., mountain time; noon, central time; 1:00 p.m., eastern time
Ruby Nugent and Brandi Tuttle, AHIP, share their experiences moving two very different education offerings online in a hurry.
Date: Tuesday, April 28
Time: 10:00 a.m., pacific time; 11:00 a.m., mountain time; noon, central time; 1:00 p.m., eastern time
Date: Thursday, April 23

Time: 2:00 p.m., pacific time; 3:00 p.m., mountain time; 4:00 p.m., central time; 5:00 p.m., eastern time. Note the Thursday date and special mid/late afternoon times for this session.

Audience: Medical librarians, music lovers, and anyone feeling stressed these days.
Aligned with the call of the LatinX Caucus of the MLA to contribute to the MLA COVID-19 Resources for Medical Librarians & Other Health Information Professionals page, Nora Franco and the LatinX Caucus assembled Spanish language resources. Read more in Nora Franco’s article posted in Latitudes.
The COVID-19 Citizen Science (CCS) project has just been launched a way for people from every walk of life to help in the battle against this virus. Learn more in Michele Spatz’s article originally posted in PNR Dragonfly.
Comics about cancer? Comic book writer A. David Lewis writes about building a virtual collection of graphic medicine titles for oncology patients and caregivers. Lewis is a comics scholar focusing on literary theory, religious studies, and graphic medicine.
On Tuesday, April 21, Michelle Kraft, AHIP,will share her experiences, challenges, and solutions to managing employees remotely. Ellen Aaronson, AHIP, will share how her virtual role has changed during the time of COVID-19. Participants will have opportunities to share their experiences and tips.

More Articles

Sarah T. Jewell and Margaret Jane Foster, AHIP, team up to explore curated article sets, MEDLINE search issues specific to platforms, and epidemiological, clinical, and policy data sets in this rapidly changing COVID-19 information environment.
Health care providers have unique opportunities to identify and support patients who have been trafficked for labor or sex. Because human trafficking happens in all communities and impacts short- and long-term health of victims, it is essential for clinicians to know how to identify it.
Join the COVID-19 Conversation: Professional Partnerships in the Time of COVID-19: Masks and More on Tuesday, April 7.
To support the ongoing public health emergency response efforts, national science and technology advisors from a dozen countries formed a Public Health Emergency COVID-19 Initiative, calling on publishers to voluntarily agree to make their COVID-19 and coronavirus-related publications accessible.
MLA is launching a series of free, live, online conversations, Coping and Caring in the Time of COVID. These weekly conversations for MLA members and the wider health information professional community are designed to help share ideas and to address pain points related to the crisis.
These are strange times. My entire staff and I are working from home as our University is shut down while dealing with COVID-19. I never thought I would miss being constantly interrupted, but there is a definite feeling of disconnection and loneliness when you don’t see the same people in person.
The MLA Board of Directors released the following statement in support of libraries and library workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
MLA members have started a curated list of COVID-19 resources for medical librarians and other health information professionals. The site will be updated as frequently as possible and has been created from crowd-sourced suggestions.
During this temporary emergency, all MLA team members are working from home and remain fully available to serve you.
Have you used reflection to improve your performance at work or to better understand situations at work? If so, consider participating in a new research study, “Health Science Librarians’ Engagement in Work-Related Reflection: A Qualitative Exploration of Why They Invest in Reflective Practice."
We have heard from many of you about the potential effect of COVID-19 on your attendance at MLA ’20. With our top priority being the health and safety of all members and participants at our meeting, the MLA Board of Directors approved rescheduling MLA’s annual meeting to August 15–19.
Portland is full of wonderful libraries, archives, and bookstores, and we hope that you find time to visit these special places and collections during your visit. Listed below are a number of institutions which will be happy to welcome you.
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Implications of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak are changing on a daily basis. Based on the trusted information we know today, and guidance from WHO, CDC and other agencies, we are moving forward with MLA '20 as scheduled.
Are you looking for a fun and informative activity with fellow librarians while in Portland? The 2023 Local Assistance Committee has got you covered. Join us for a tour of the libraries at the National University of Natural Medicine and the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine.
Your MLA EFTS team has been hard at work to implement the new EFTS. Check out the latest news and announcements,
A recent study published in the Journal of the Medical Library Association found that early career professionals in the field of cancer research have a complicated relationship to open access (OA) publishing.
Welcome to the inaugural Global Health & Health Equity column! This column will cover hub activities and be a platform of relevant topics in our profession.
There are a variety of reasons of why attending the MLA annual meeting is beneficial and travel assistance is so valuable. Eligibility for the grant has been modified to include a greater variety of librarians with different levels of experience and professional practice backgrounds.
Come to MLA ’20 on Friday, May 15, and Saturday, May 16, to develop a skill in an MLA practice area and have extra time to explore Portland! MLA continuing education (CE) courses are powerful and rewarding learning experiences!
The MLA ’20 Contributed Content Working Group is seeking moderators for paper and lightning talk sessions during MLA ’20. Moderators must register for MLA ’20. Complete the Moderator Sign-Up form by Monday, February 17.
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Would you like to help out at MLA ’20? There are opportunities even if you are not from Portland!
Fun facts about the EFTS User Agreement process.
Have you noticed the changes in the schedule for MLA ’20? The most obvious is that the meeting is a little shorter, ending Tuesday evening with the Janet Doe Lecture and reception closing the meeting. Another change is that the Tuesday evening reception is included with the standard registration.
We hope you will join us in envisioning our future in focus at MLA ’20. The meeting will be taking place May 15–19 in Portland, OR. Portland is an incredibly diverse and exciting city with plenty to keep you occupied before, between, and after all of the informative and innovative meeting sessions.
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MLA is pleased to announce the Research Training Institute (RTI) faculty members for the 2023 RTI at the University of Illinois–Chicago, beginning July 2023.
MLA ’20 will be held May 15-19 in Portland, Oregon. Here are a few reasons, besides attending the conference, that you might want to visit Portland!
The 2023 National Programming Committee is looking for reviewers for posters and lightning talks for MLA ’20, to be held May 15–May 19, 2023, in Portland, OR. To apply, please fill out the Reviewer Interest form by January 15, 2023.
The submission site for posters and lightning talks for MLA ’20 opens December 13, 2023, and will remain open until January 24, 2023. Posters and lightning talks are great ways to share information about research or programs.
Six librarians from southeastern Wisconsin, including RTI fellow Elizabeth Suelzer, AHIP, collaborated on a study that reviewed scholarly works that cited the retracted 1998 article by Wakefield et al. that purported to show an association with the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine and autism.
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Great news, and thank you!

750+ libraries have expressed their interest to join the new EFTS by requesting a user agreement from MLA.
Are you a library professional interested in learning more about the research process? Do you have a brilliant idea or research topic that you want to pursue? The RTI program takes you through a process of learning research design and completing a health information research project.
A poem by Fred King, AHIP, on reaching the goal for EFTS sign ups.


Calendar Options  
Calendar Items During:
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August 2023
Philadelphia Chapter Meeting (Virtual)
Thursday, August 6 - Friday, August 7, 2023
September 2023
Systematic Searching: Improving Effectiveness and Efficiency Webinar
Thursday, September 24 - Thursday, September 24, 2023
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Librarians Are Teachers: Applying Theory to Help Adults Learn Webinar
Tuesday, October 13 - Tuesday, October 13, 2023
NY-NJ Chapter Meeting (Virtual)
Thursday, October 15 - Friday, October 16, 2023
Midcontinental/Midwest Joint Chapter Meeting (Virtual)
Thursday, October 15 - Friday, October 16, 2023
Mid-Atlantic Chapter Meeting
Sunday, October 18 - Tuesday, October 20, 2023
Pittsburgh, PA
Hotel Monaco
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Thursday, October 22 - Saturday, October 24, 2023
Montgomery, AL
South Central Chapter Meeting
Friday, October 23 - Wednesday, October 28, 2023
Houston, TX
North Atlantic Health Sciences Libraries, Inc. Meeting
Sunday, October 25 - Tuesday, October 27, 2023
Portland, ME
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Wednesday, October 28 - Friday, October 30, 2023
Poughkeepsie, NY


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NLM Receives Stimulus Funding to Prevent, Prepare for, and Respond to the Coronavirus

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Elevation through reflection: closing the circle to improve librarianship
The continued citation of retracted publications in dentistry
Introducing a health information literacy competencies map: connecting the Association of American Medical Colleges Core Entrustable Professional Activities and Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education Common Program Requirements to the Association of College & Research Libraries Framework
“What’s happening over there?”: a study of the current state of services, challenges, and prospects in Nigerian medical libraries
Evaluating nursing faculty’s approach to information literacy instruction: a multi-institutional study
Barriers and facilitators to use of a clinical evidence technology in the management of skin problems in primary care: insights from mixed methods
Technological solutions for reproducibility and “showing of work”: a response to “Redundancy of Terms Is Not an Error but Plays a Positive Role in Composing Search Strategies”
The Medical Library Association (MLA) voter: a survey of attitudes, perceptions, and voting practices in MLA national elections
Shane Godbolt, 1943–2023
Evaluation of literature searching and article selection skills of an evidence-based practice team
Exploring interprofessional collaboration and attitudes of health sciences librarians
Resilience, relevance, remembering: history in the time of coronavirus
Lean Library
Medical Library Association Diversity and Inclusion Task Force 2023 Survey Report
Posture App (version 2.1.66)
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Framing Health Care Instruction: An Information Literacy Handbook for the Health Sciences
Physician Career Choice and Satisfaction: Empirical Studies of Practicing Physicians
Partnering with postdocs: a library model for supporting postdoctoral researchers and educating the academic research community
Services and staffing practices in academic health sciences libraries serving college of osteopathic medicine programs: a mixed methods study
What we talk about when we talk about medical librarianship: an analysis of Medical Library Association annual meeting abstracts, 2001–2023
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